For millions of years, nearly every animal on the planet evolved under stable cycles of brightness and darkness— just as every human culture did. The stars helped us keep time, make myths, and navigate the dark.
Only recently have things changed. With the proliferation of electric lighting, humanity went from living by daylight to permanent illumination, abandoning ancestral ways of living within the span of a few generations. Over 80% of the people on the planet—and 99% of Americans—live under light-polluted skies. For the first time in human history, people are being born, living entire lives under a light dome, and dying without ever seeing the universe around them.
I want to expose people to the natural wonders that are now hidden in the dark parts of our planet—astrophotography is the art (and science!) that allows me to do that. The celestial realm is the birthright of every human being, but with ever shrinking dark skies, access to it is being taken from those that don’t have the knowledge, means, or ability to travel to remote places and see it themselves. If we continue to carelessly spill luminosity into the night, we risk losing one of our most ancient connections to our ancestors, our cultures, and our universe.